产品报价: 电讯
所属分类: 鸭肉
产品规格: 500l
联系人: 郑***生
移动电话: 184****5051
固定电话: 184****5051
公司名称: 诸城市新三禾机械厂
公司地址: 东外环南首路西
主营业务: 滚揉机,斩拌机,盐水注射机
滚筒容积 装料量(kg) 真空度(mpa) 滚筒转速(r/min) 总功率(kw) 外形尺寸(l*w*h) 总重量(kg) 500 375 0—0.09 7.5 2.25 1420*1020*1470 420 设备简介: 真空滚揉机是在真空状态下,利用物理冲击的原理,让肉在滚筒内上下翻动,相互撞击、摔打、达到按摩、腌渍的作用,可以使肉均匀的吸收腌渍,提高肉的结着力及产品的弹性;本机具有肺呼吸功能,让产品在滚筒内做膨胀、缩小的往复运动,改善了肉组织的结构,提高了切面效果,增加了出品率。可以增强保水性,改善产品的内部结构。 新一代的全自动真空滚揉机除具有真空滚揉机的特点外,还可以选配电脑控制变频技术的功能。是机器使用更安全,更方便,更加节能高效。整机采用不锈钢制造,结构紧凑,滚筒两端均采用旋压式封帽结构,大的增加滚筒内的摔打空间,使滚揉产品的效果均匀,噪音小,性能可靠,操作简便,使用效率更高。 特点:使淹制液在肉内均匀分布并被充分吸收;增强肉的结着力,增强产品弹性;改善制品的切片性,防止切片时产生破碎;增加产品保水性,提高出品率;保持肉块色泽,肉制鲜嫩;设定滚揉工作总时间设定滚揉时间;设定滚揉间歇时间;连续滚揉;间歇滚揉;正转自动出料 。 滚揉机适用于西式香肠、火腿、培根、烤肉以及禽类、中式酱卤类、休闲类肉食品的腌制加工。特别对传统中式产品加工,加入滚揉处理工序,可以缩短腌制浸泡时间、改善效果,提高肉品品质。 温馨提示:如果您看到的产品不符合您的要求,请与我们联系,我们可以根据您的需要生产!因为价格会随市场行情浮动,所以想了解新价格,欢迎来电或者在线咨询! 售后服务:所有滚揉机设备一律享有终身免费维修,一年内出现质量问题免费换新机和终身售后技术支持! equipment introduction: a vacuum roll kneading machine is under vacuum, the use of physical impact principle, let the meat in the up-and-down, crashing, beat, massage, preserved function, can make the meat uniform absorption pickled, improves the flesh knot exert oneself and product flexibility; this machine has the features of pulmonary function, so that products in the drum as expansion, narrowing of the reciprocating motion, improves the flesh tissue structure, improve the surface effect, increase the yield rate. can enhance the security of water, improve the product's internal structure. a new generation of automatic vacuum roll kneading machine has a vacuum roll kneading machine features, can also be equipped with computer control technology of frequency conversion function. is the machine use safer, more convenient, more energy efficient. the machine adopts stainless steel manufacture, compact structure, both ends of the roller are used for spinning type sealing structure, the largest increase in the drum beat space, so that the rolling effect of the product uniformity, low noise, reliable performance, simple operation, the use of high efficiency. features: the salting liquid in the meat is evenly distributed and absorbed; enhanced meat knot exert oneself, enhance product flexibility; improve product slices, prevent slices generated when broken; increase water retention, increase yield; keeping meat fresh meat color, kneading; setting working time setting and roll time; set time rolling batch; continuous rolling; intermittent kneading; positive rotation automatic discharging. roll kneading machine suitable for western-style sausages, ham, bacon, roast meats and poultry, chinese sauce category, leisure meat salting processing. especially for the traditional chinese products processing, join the rolling process, can shorten the pickling time, improve the effect, improve the quality of meat products. reminder: if you see the product does not meet your requirements, please contact us, we can produce according to your needs! because of the price with the market floating, so would like to know the latest price, welcome to call or online advice! after sale service: all roll kneading machine equipment will enjoy life-long free repair, quality problems occur within one year free replacement machine and lifelong customer service technical support! 详细内容以中文为准。
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